Awakenig Devotion: The Yearning of the Heart that Takes You to God


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Una conferenza di Brother Anandamoy

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The teachings of the saints and sages down the ages have ultimately had one purpose: to help us rediscover our relationship with God—with the infinite love, knowledge, and joy that is our divine essence. In this talk from the 2004 SRF Convocation, Brother Anandamoy shares beautiful experiences from his years with Paramahansaji that demonstrate the depth of the Guru’s love for his disciples, and the subtle ways the guru guides those who ask for his help. With great simplicity and clarity, Brother Anandamoy boils down the spiritual path to a few basic practices that will enable any sincere seeker to open the door to the reality of God’s presence. “Bring God into your meditations,” he counsels us, “and it will change your life.”

Topic include:

• Bringing the living presence of God and Guru into your meditations

• Overcoming feelings of discouragement

• Practical points for deepening your relationship with Master

• Why we need the Guru’s spiritual help

• How devotion can transform your life

Running time: 62 minutes

Formato Video DVD video (NTSC tutte le Regioni)
Lingua In Inglese

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Awakening devotion ...
Stefano P. il giorno 24/11/2017 Aiuta a capire dove vuole andare veramente il nostro cuore.