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Una Conferenza informale di Brother Anandamoy
Comprendere i suoi aspetti più profondi nella ricerca per Dio

Serie Audio "L'ARTE DI VIVERE"

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€ 8,50


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Brother Anandamoy, a direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda and a monk of the Self-Realization Fellowship Order, has inspired audiences throughout Europe, India, and the U.S. with his illuminating talks on the ancient science and philosophy of Yoga.

Topics include:

• Cultivating love for God

• Spiritual vs. material desires

• The true meaning of surrender and how it helps one to become receptive to the presence, guidance, and blessings of God and Guru

• Purity of heart — the liberating power of selfless love

• Intensity vs. tension in meditation

• Patience and unconditional devotion

• Many delightful personal stories

Lingua In Inglese
Formato CD - Audio

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daniela t. il giorno 27/12/2023 Lo ascolterò a breve. Senz'altro sarà prezioso.